The scrap industry is undergoing a radical change, to which dedicated technologies must adapt. So no more foundations, ancillary structures and bureaucratic headaches, the shear baler can enter the scrap yard without disturbing production, be placed on the floor and operate within a few days of delivery. When its useful life is over, it can be dismantled quickly. "KAPPA" a monolithic machine that does not require any special permits or foundations, a machine that is quick and easy to position, handle and reposition.The shear baler "CAT" series are made up of a single self-supporting monolithic structure."KAPPA" is equipped with the original TAURUS SBxk swinging-wing compression system with over stroke on both wings.
"KAPPA" a machine for all needs:• light scrap bales, E.L.V and collected scrap• of "furnace-ready" heavy scrap.
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